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Finding the right rhythm – Osnabrück developmental biologists receive DFG funding for heart research
How does the heart adjust its rhythm to changing physical demands? A team led by PD Dr Heiko Harten will be investigating this question in more detail in future as part of a DFG-funded project. In particular, the researchers want to investigate whether a molecular mechanism that they have previously discovered in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster also plays a decisive role in the human heart.
Multiprotein complexes governing chlorophyll biosynthesis: Dmitry Shvarev heads new junior research group
Osnabrück Biology is pleased to welcome a new principal investigator: Dr. Dmitry Shvarev, who previously conducted research as a postdoc in the Structural Biology group, will in future head the junior research group“Structural Biology of Photosynthetic Microorganisms“, funded by the DFG's Emmy Noether Programme. His aim is to understand the function of multiprotein complexes that control and regulate chlorophyll biosynthesis.
When cells sacrifice themselves: New insights into molecular processes in programmed cell death
When cells are infected with pathogens, they sometimes initiate their own demise, triggering a strong immune response. In this process, known as "pyroptosis", the formation of pores in the cell membrane plays a decisive role. These are formed by Gasdermin proteins by an unknown mechanism. Researchers at Osnabrück Biology, led by Prof. Dr. Katia Cosentino, have now unravelled the precise mechanism how these proteins target the cell membrane and work together to form these tiny lethal pores. Their findings have been published in "The EMBO Journal".
Chemical biology of membranes: Denisa Jamecna heads new junior research group
The Biology department is pleased to welcome a new member: Dr. Denisa Jamecna, who previously conducted research at the University of Heidelberg, will head the junior group "Chemical Biology of Membranes" in Osnabrück. Her work will focus on the question as to how cells regulate the composition of their lipids in order to maintain cell function.
Perspectives of Molecular Neurobiology: 11th Westerberger Herbsttagung
On Friday, September 27, 2024, the traditional “Westerberger Herbsttagung” will take place in its 11th edition in the CellNanOs building. This year’s topic is "New Approaches to Study Neurons". Participation in the event is free and registration is now open.
Handover in the Scientific Advisory Board of the Alzheimer's Research Initiative: Roland Brandt takes over as chairman
The “Alzheimer Forschungsinitiative” (AFI) is the largest private sponsor of Alzheimer's research in Germany. Since its foundation in 1995, it has distributed over 16 million euros for research. From next year, Prof. Dr. Roland Brandt (RG Neurobiology) will take over the chairmanship of the initiative's Scientific Advisory Board.
You will find me in the garden - Theatre
Location: Botanical Garden
Time: 14.-28.09.2024 6 pm
Registratrion is needed
Hagendorff et. al. (2024) Clin Res Cardiol.
Körner et. al. (2024) Cell Rep.
Wolf et. al. (2024) Poult Sci.
Scientist (m/f/d)
Research Group Structural Biology
Gardener (m/f/d) for the outdoor area
Botanical Garden
Scientist (m/f/d)
Research Group Behavioural Biology
Other useful links
Our research
Our research profile covers a wide range of biological disciplines. Here you will find an overview of the different research groups.
Our curriculum includes both research and teaching-oriented courses that teach fundamentals from across the spectrum of biology.
Science goes public
At the "Osnabrücker Wissensforum", researchers from the university answer questions from interested citizens. Here you can find a selection of contributions of Osnabrück Biology scientists.
University & schools
For many years, the Biology unit at Osnabrück University has supported schools in designing modern biology lessons with the two projects "Explain-OS" and "NaT-Working-OS".