Project OR | Marco Beeken & Katia Cosentino
Outreach project of the SFB 1557
This project will accompany the SFB from an early stage with various innovative formats of science communication. The main aim is to present the central research questions of the SFB, and to explain how basic research in biology is linked to public interests. The project will promote the highly innovative infrastructural and technological portfolio offered by the SFB and the associated CellNanOs research building, which are flagships of the city and can be unique hubs for both research and public education.

© RG Chemical Education & Science Communication, RG Zoology
Project Summary
Prof. Dr. Marco Beeken
Osnabrück University
School of Biology/Chemistry
Research Group Chemical Education & Science Communication

Juniorprof. Dr. Katia Cosentino
Osnabrück University
School of Biology/Chemistry
Research Group Molecular Cell Biophysics

The outreach project accompanies the SFB throughout its entire duration and develops innovative science communication formats regarding research results and developments. The project aims to present fundamental biological research methods and basic scientific knowledge to the public in a didactically reduced way.
Furthermore, the research results of the individual projects of the SFB 1557 are presented in an understandable way. In order to present research to the public in a tangible format, innovative experiments being developed in this way, but also the CellNanOS, as a showcase building for research, is being included in such a presentation.
"Citizens", "students", "teachers" and "pupils" can be named as the main target groups of the outreach project. According to the target groups, specifically adapted formats such as student labs, teacher training courses, a "Long Night of the SFB" or a "Rent a Prof" format are being developed.
As outlined above, outreach and science communication activities will accompany the SFB from the beginning. At the beginning of the research period, the focus is on the development of innovative SFB-specific formats and related (model) experiments for the target groups of students and citizens. In the course of time, the first results and contents of the respective scientific research work are taken up and incorporated into the science communication formats. Based on the evaluation results, the respective formats is being continuously optimized in an iterative process.