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Previous events
Talk: Markus Damme, Kiel
Title: Lysosomal dysfunction in dementia – a focus on TMEM106B
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Lunch break in the garden
Host: Thomas Ahr
Location: Botanical Garden
Start: 13:00
Talk by: Andreas Zumbühl, Bern
Title: to be announced
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Talk: Gunnar Schulte, Stockholm
Title: Frizzled dynamics as an intrinsic requirement for receptor activation
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Talk: Bin Qu, Homburg
Title: Impact of physical factors on immune surveillance
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Talk: Judith Klumperman, Utrecht
Title: HOPS and CORVET tethering complexes in endolysosomal system of human cells
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Talk by: Ivana Nikić-Spiegel, Tübingen
Title: Axonal injury: from advanced imaging to chemical biology-based tools for minimally invasive protein labeling
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Talk: Kai Kretzschmar, Würzburg
Title: Oral epithelial stem cell niches in health and disease
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Poly-Lewis acids and frustrated Lewis pairs
Talk by: Norbert W. Mitzel, Bielefeld
Location: CellnanOs, 38/201
Time: 4:15 pm
Winter magic and green secrets
Fairytale evening for adults with music in the rainforest house
Host: Anke Stentzel and Thomas Lambrich
Location: Botanical Garden, Bohnenkamp House, Heliconia Room
Time: 6 pm - 8:30 pm
Talk: Andreas Wodarz, Köln
Title: Molecular control of actomyosin contractility during morphogenesis in Drosophila
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Talk: Thomas Barends, Heidelberg
Title: Living on hydrazine: Metabolic protein complexes from an anaerobic ammonium oxidizer
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Change and protection of biodiversity in Central Europe
Talk: Prof. Dr. Thomas Fartmann
Location: Botanical Garden, Bohnenkamp House, Heliconia Room
Start: 18:30
Talk: Roman Koning, Leiden
Title: Supervised Machine Learning for Quantitative Analysis of TEM Slides
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Talk by: Herre Jelger Risselada, Dortmund
Title: How proteins recognize alterations in the interface properties of lipid membranes
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
A portrait of the tropics - Pictures from an excursion to Costa Rica
Photographer: Sebastian Holt
Location: Rain Forest House, Botanical Garden
Time: 19.04. - 31.10.2024 during the opening hours of the Botanic Garden.
May - October 2024
Science for a future worth living: Current research in the Department of Biology/Chemistry
Exhibition of the Department of Biology/Chemistry for the 50th anniversary of the University of Osnabrück
Location: Botanical Garden, open area
Time: from 01.05.2024 during the opening hours of the Botanic Garden.
Participation is free of charge.
"Open Day" on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the University of Osnabrück
Events in the Botanical Garden for the whole family
Location: Botanical Garden
Start: 14:00
"To the Tropics at the End of the Day" - Experience and Information
Host: Claudia Grabowski-Hüsing und Thomas Ahr
Location: Botanical Garden - Rainforesthouse
Start: 20:00
Participation is free of charge.
Harvest your own seeds - the reward for your efforts
Action and good tips from horticultural practice
Host: Green School
Location: Botanical Garden
Start: 17:30
"You will find me in the garden" - play by the city ensemble GENERATIONEN of the Theater Osnabrück about the relationship between "man and nature"
Information on admission prices and the start of performances can be found on the homepage of the Garden and Theater Osnabrück
Ticket sales via Theater Osnabrück
Talk: Stefan Howorka, London
Title: Nanopores: DNA sequencing, protein sensing and identification
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15 Uhr
Exotic diversity: plant treasures in the non-public greenhouses
Guided tour and good tips from horticultural practice
Location: Botanical Garden
Time: 18:30
Costs: 5.00 €
Registratrion is needed
The Green School invites you ...
"Summerfeeling in the Botanical Garden" - Garden tour with cocktail
Location: Botanical Garden
Time: 19:00
Costs: 15.00 €
Registratrion is needed
"Wild bees of the Madeira and Canary Islands archipelago"
Diversity - Evolution - Flower visitation
Host: Prof. i.R. Dr. Anselm Kratochwil and Prof. i.R. Dr. Angelika Schwabe-Kratochwil
Location: Botanical Garden, Bohnenkamp House, Heliconia room
Start: 6:30 pm
Admission is free. A donation would be appreciated.
Banana, sugar cane and more
A look behind the scenes & good tips from horticultural practice
Host: Elke Jädtke
Location: Botanical Garden
Start: 15:00
Participation is free of charge
"Armeria maritima (grass carnation)"
Location: Botanical Garden
Start: 14:30
Talk: Helle Jelger Risselada, TU Dortmund
Title: to be announced
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Talk: Ursula Rescher
Title: Endolysosomes shaping Plasma Membrane Functionality – Dynamics of Microdomain Formation
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Fit for the future - climate trees in the Botanic Garden
Host: Yvonne Bouillon
Location: Botanical Garden
Start: 18:30
Talk: Thomas Fath
Title: The influence of the actin-associated protein Tropomyosin on membrane structure and function in cellular processes
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 9:00
Talk: Christopher Grefen, IRTG Osnabrück
Title: Membrane Protein Translocation Pathways into the ER membrane of Plants
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
more information
Talk: Pascal Jonkheijm, Twente
Title: Biomedial Applications of Supramolecular Chemistry
Location: CellNanOs, 38/201
Start: 16:15
Talk: Bernd Giebel, Essen
Title: Extracellular vesicles: clinical potential and translational challenges
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
8 and 15 June 2024
Week of the Botanic Gardens on the theme "From bean, peanut and mimosa - fabulous Fabaceae"
Guided tours as part of the Sunday walks.
Host: Claudia Grabowski-Hüsing and Christina Kneistler, Green School
Location: Botanical Garden, meeting point at the lime tree
Time: 11 am
Entrance fee 5 €, reduced 3 €
A registration is not nessesary
"You will find me in the garden" - play by the city ensemble GENERATIONEN of the Theater Osnabrück about the relationship between "man and nature"
Information on admission prices and the start of performances can be found on the homepage of the Garden and Theater Osnabrück
Ticket sales via Theater Osnabrück
13.06.2024 - Unfortunately the date has to be postponed
Talk: Andreas Diepold, Marburg
Title: The bacterial type III secretion system: A dynamic and adaptive nanomachine at the host-pathogen interface
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Tropical ferns & pineapples
A look behind the scenes - not only for photographers
Location: Botanical Garden, Tropical fern house and bromelia house
Time: 15:00 - 17:00
Talk: Annamaria Zaltron, Padova
Title: Optical tweezers to investigate the biological world at the single-molecule level
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Talk: Alessio Accardi, New York
Title: In or out…of the groove? How the TMEM16s flip lipids
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 12 p.m.
Talk: Anja Guenther, Plön
Title: to be announced
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Guided tour
Host: PD Dr. Nikolai Friesen
Location: Botanical Garden, meeting at the lime tree
Start: 18:30
Participation fee: €5, reduced €3. Registration is not necessary.
Talk: Katja Heinze, Mainz
Title: Photochemistry of complexes with earth-abundant metals
Occasion: GDCH
Location: CellNanOs, 38/201
Start: 16:15
Talk: Markus Seeger, Zurich
Title: Mycobacterial siderophore import and export
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 12:00
"Rhododendron without peat?"
Action and good tips from horticultural practice
Host: Willy Feldkötter
Location: Botanical Garden, meeting point at the lime tree
Start: 16:00 - 18:00
Find out more about site requirements, care and diseases of rhododendrons and about peat replacement.
Participation is free of charge, registration is neccessary.
Talk: Hemmo Meyer, Duisburg
Title: The endo-lysosomal damage response
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Talk: Qiangbin Wang, Suzhou
Title: Near-IR nanoparticles and optical system for bioimaging of cell and tissues
Location: CellNanOs, 38/201
Start: 16:15
"Cactus flowers & tropical ferns"
A look behind the scenes & good tips from horticultural practice
Host: Monika Koch und Thomas Ahr
Location: Botanical Garden - Cactus house and Fern house
Start: 15:00 - 18:00
Opening of the Cactus and Fern houses for interested visitors with practical tips on propagation and care.
Participation is free of charge.
Talk: Anne Spang
Title: Principles of cellular compartmentalization
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Talk: Stefan Matile, Geneve
Title: Tools to image and cross membranes
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Talk: Cheng-Lung Ku, Taiwan
Title: The monoclonal resolution of the pathogenic mechanism of anti-interferon-γ autoantibodies in adult-onset immunodeficiency
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
"Let it Bee - Bees and wild plants in the Botanical Garden"
Guided tour
Host: Prof. Dr. Sabine Zachgo
Location: Botanical Garden, meeting point at the lime tree
Start: 20:00
Participation fee: €5, reduced €3. Registration is not necessary.
Talk: Ute Resch-Genger
Title: Luminescent Nanoparticles – Photophysics, Photoluminescence Quantum Yields, and Surface Functionalities
Location: CellNanOs, 38/201
Start: 16:15
Exhibition: Bonsais
Location: Botanical Garden - Heliconia Room
Start: 10:00 - 18:00
Participation is free of charge.
"To the Tropics at the End of the Day" - Experience and Information
Host: Claudia Grabowski-Hüsing und Thomas Ahr
Location: Botanical Garden - Rainforesthouse
Start: 20:00
Participation is free of charge.
Talk: Markus Morrison, Stuttgart
Title: Killing cancer cells – Suicide signaling and death decisions
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Talk: Sebastian Kruss, Bochum
Title: Nanoscale tools to image complex biological systems
Location: CellNanOs, 38/201
Start: 16:15
Plant exchange market
Start: 10:00 - 15:00
Location: connecting corridor of the greenhouses and depot
Participation is free of charge.
What you always wanted to know about tropical rainforests -
but never dared to ask
Talk: Prof. i.R. Dr. Klaus Mummenhoff
Location: Botanical Garden, Bohnenkamp House, Heliconia Room
Start: 18:00
Lunch break in the garden
Talk: PD Dr. Nikolai Friesen
Location: Botanical Garden, Meeting place at the lime tree
Start: 13:00
Talk: Bastian Rapp, Freiburg
Title: Albrecht Dürer’s most recent work: A green hare microstructures and surface functionalization and the many things we can do with light
Location: CellNanOs, 38/201
Start: 16:15
Talk: Nadja Alina Henke, Karlsruhe
Title: Microbial biotechnology: from fundamental and applied microbiology to new concepts in biotechnology
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Talk: Benjamin Dietzek-Ivanšić, Jena
Title: Light-driven molecular reactivity in complex scenarios – in cells, at surfaces, in complex electron transfer cascades
Location: CellNanOs, 38/201
Start: 16:15
"Jungle Green" - Propagation and culture of indoor plants
Guided by: Marion Lange und Mareike Woltring
Location: Botanical Garden, Winter House
Time: 08.03.2024, 5 - 7 pm
"Flower colors as the bees see them"
Location: Botanical Garden, Bohnenkamp-House, Helikonia room
Start: 18:30
Talk: Dr. Amina Djurabekova, Helsinki
Title:Analysis of the Atomistic MD Simulations of CI+CIII Interactions and Associated Lipid Binding
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Talk: Konstanze Winkelhofer, Bochum
Title: Linear ubiquitylation at the interface between protein quality control and innate immune signaling
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Talk: Maria Florencia Sánchez, Frankfurt
Title: Decoding receptor signaling by ligand-free in situ confinement
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Talk: Kristina Ganzinger, NWO physics institute AMOLF (NL)
Title: DNA-PAINT single-particle tracking (DNA-PAINT-SPT) enables extended single-molecule studies of membrane protein interactions
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Talk: Jürgen Scheller, Düsseldorf
Title: to be announced
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Lunch break in the garden
Location: Botanical Garden, Meeting place at the lime tree
Start: 13:00
Talk: Lukas Kapitein, Utrecht
Title: Dissecting cellular organization and dynamics using super-resolution microscopy and optogenetics
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Talk: Miriam Kutsch, HHU Düsseldorf
Title: Stick it together and break it down: how GBP1 fulfills antibacterial functions
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Talk: Matthias Gehringer, Tübingen
Title: Covalent inhibitors targeting the protein kinases’ cysteinome
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Talk: Lin Zhang, Freiburg
Title: Mechanistic insights into the catalysis and maturation of nitrous oxide reductase
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Talk: Dominik Oliver, Marburg
Title: "A metabolic PI(4,5)P2 microdomain maintains lipid transport function at ER-PM junctions"
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Chocolate meets cinnamon, cardamom & Co.
Guided tour with tasting
Host: Claudia Grabowski-Hüsing
Location: Botanical Garden - Green School
Start: 18:30
Talk: Simon Newstead, Oxford
Title: "Decoding the role of solute carriers in health and disease"
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Talk: Jurriaan Huskens, Twente, Netherlands
Title: "Superselectivity and receptor recruitment as organizing principles in bio sensing and self assembly"
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 17:00
Green, stone, earth: Our world in transition - Exhibition
Location: Botanical Garden
Time: from 10.06.2023 during the opening hours of the Botanic Garden.
Participation is free of charge.
Talk: Ariane Briegel, Leiden
Title: to be announced
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Climate trees come to stay - lecture
Host: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Bouillon
Location: Heliconia Room in the Bohnenkamphaus
Start: 18:30
Talk: Stefano Vanni, Fribourg
Title: to be announced
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Talk: Stefan Luschnig, Münster
Title: Making and breaking of contacts between three cells: Assembly and dynamics of tricellular junctions in epithelia
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Talk: Arun Thomas John Peter, Freiburg
Talk: Harekrushna Sahoo, Rourkela, India
Title: "Effect of Crowding Environment on Protein Conformation and Dynamics"
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 17:00
"To the Tropics at the End of the Day" - Experience and Information
Host: Claudia Grabowski-Hüsing und Thomas Ahr
Location: Botanical Garden - Rainforesthouse
Start: 20:00
Talk: David Teis, Innsbruck
Title: "Membrane Quality Control by the Dsc Ubiquitin Ligase Complex"
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Lunch break in the garden
Talk: PD Dr. Nikolai Friesen
Location: Botanical Garden, Meeting place at the lime tree
Start: 13:00
Pumpkin day
Location: Botanical Garden, Heliconia room in Bohnenkamphaus, wintering house and connecting room
Time: 11:00 - 17:00
The entrance is free.
The right apple tree for my garden
Action and good tips from horticultural practice.
Location: Botanical Garden
Time: 16:00 - 18:00
The entrance is free.
Talk: Frank Glorius, Münster
Title: Imidazolium-based lipid analogs — A versatile toolbox for the investigation of biological membranes
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 12:00
Plant seeds: How these powerhouses enrich our cuisine
Guided tour with tasting
Location: Botanical Garden, Green School
Time: 18:30 - 20:30
Entrance fee: 12 €
Pineapple plants
A look behind the scenes
Location: Bromelia House
Time: 15:00 - 17:00
Tropical ferns & begonias
A look behind the scenes - not only for photographers
Location: Botanical Garden, Tropical fern house
Time: 15:00 - 17:00
The entrance is free.
SFB Meeting
Topic: Membranes and the lipid code
Location: Botanical Garden, Bohnenkamphaus
Start: 18:00
Plant use in times of climate change
Guided tour
Location: Botanical Garden, meeting point at the lime tree
Time: 18:30
Costs: 4.00 €, reduced 3.00 €
The Green School invites you ...
"Summerfeeling in the Botanical Garden" - Garden tour with cocktail
Location: Botanical Garden
Time: 19:00
Costs: 12.00 €
Registratrion is needed
Crane by Sadako "Cranes and Sounds for Peace"
Taiko concert by Hoshidaiko & participatory event as part of the Osnabrück Peace Jubilee "375 Years of the Peace of Westphalia".
Location: Botanical Garden
Time: 11:00 am - Crane folding
Concert: 6:30 pm
The entrance is free.
Talk: Christian Müller, Erlangen
Title: to be announced
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Lunch break in the garden
Location: Botanical Garden, meeting point at the lime tree
Time: 13:00
The entrance is free.
Talk: Eva Sevcsik, Vienna
Title: A DNA origami-based biointerface for interrogating the spatial requirements of T-cell antigen recognition
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Wild diversity in Germany - guided tour
Location: Botanical Garden, meeting point at the lime tree
Time: 18:30
Costs: € 4.00, reduced € 3.00
Talk: Mara Pitulescu, MPI Münster
Title: Role of cell-cell communication in organ-specific vasculature
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Talk: Frank Biedermann, Karlsruhe
Title: "Macrocyclic and Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Materials for Molecular Sensing Applications in Biofluids"
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:00
Talk: Leah Briggs, MPI Münster
Title: "Reconstructing regulatory principles of stem cell niches and cell fate dynamics"
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 15:00
Exhibition: "Life forms of the Neotropics in Costa Rica"
Location: Botanical Garden, Winter House
Time: from 01.06.2023 during the opening hours of the Botanic Garden
Talk: Laura Swan and Massimilano Stagi, Liverpool
Title: "Interaction of bioactive molecules, particles and supramolecular assemblies with artificial membrane models"
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Talk: Laura Swan and Massimilano Stagi, Liverpool
Title: "A muscular dystrophy caused by mutation of the ER-localised inositol phosphatase INPP5K"
and "Analyzing mitochondrial and lysosomal functions with advanced genetic probes"
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Talk: Jürgen Schatz, Nürnberg
Title: "Organic chemistry in water – how supramolecular chemistry can help"
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 17:00
Music & Art - above and below the earth
Location: Botanical Garden
Start: 16:00
Pineapple family
Location: Botanical Garden, Bromelia House
Time: 15:00-17:00
Participation is free of charge.
Banana, sugar cane and co.
Location: Botanical Garden, Crop House
Time: 15:00-17:00
Participation is free of charge.
Botanical Gardens Week on the theme of "Green Diversity for People"
Guided tours as part of the Sunday Walks
Location: Botanical Garden
Time: from 10.06.2023 during the opening hours of the Botanic Garden.
Talk: Lena Pernas, Cologne
Title: Remodeling of mitochondria during microbial infection
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Green, Stone, Earth: Our world in transition
Talk: Dr. Mona Schreiber, University of Marburg
Location: Tropical Fern House in the Botanical Garden
Start: 15:00
The lecture will be held in German.
Talk: Francis Barr and Ulrike Gruneberg, Oxford
Title: "Chromosome segregation and spindle checkpoint signalling – its a cooperation not a competition"
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Tropical ferns – A look behind the scenes
Location: Tropical Fern House in the Botanical Garden
Start: 15:00
"Allium" - Guided tour through the Botanical Garden
Location: Botanical Garden, Meeting point at the lime tree
Start: 18:30
The lecture will be held in German.
Talk: Radhika Venkatesan, Kolkata, India
Title: "Chemical Chronicles: Decoding Plant-insect Interactions and unveiling therapeutic potentials"
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 14:00
Propagation and culture of indoor plants
Guided by Marion Lange und Mareike Woltring
Location: Botanical Garden, Winter House
Time: from 01.06.2023 during the opening hours of the Botanic Garden
Talk: Margret Bülow, Bonn
Title: "Organelle communication in neuron function and physiology"
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Talk: Thomas Schrader, Bonn
Title: Molecular Tweezers - tailored materials for biomedical applications
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 17:00
Of the secret of ferns: use and propagation of ferns by spores
Location: Botanical Garden - Heliconia Room
Start: 18:00
Guided by Thomas Ahr. A registration is neccesary.
Cactus blossoms - insight behind the scenes
Location: Botanical Garden - Cactus House
Start: 14:00
Talk: Steffen Scholpp, Exeter
Title: Challenging Spemann’s idea: Cytoneme-mediated transport of active Wnt5b/Ror2 complexes in zebrafish
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Exhibition: Bonsais
Location: Botanical Garden - Heliconia Room and Wintering House
Start: 10:00
Talk: Ute Hellmich, Jena
Title: to be announced
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Orchid diversity - A look behind the scenes
Location: Botanical Garden - Orchid House
Start: 15:00
Absaits Guitar Ensemble - Concert
Location: Bohnenkamphaus, Helikoniensaal
Start: 20:00
Talk: Annemiek van Spriel, Nijmegen
Title: "Tetraspanins: master organizers of the plasma membrane"
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Information session M.Sc. Nanosciences
Location: CellNanOs, 38/201
Start: 15:00
Talk: Carien Niessen, Cologne
Title: "Biomechanical regulation of epithelial barrier morphogenesis, renewal and disease"
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Information session M.Sc. Biology
Location: CellNanOs, 38/201
Start: 15:00
Plant exchange market
Start: 10:00
Location: connecting corridor of the greenhouses and depot
Propagation and culture of potted plants
Action and good tips from the horticultural practice, incl. small guided tour
Lecture: Monika Koch
Location: Botanical Garden
Start: 18:00
Talk: Birol Cabukusta, Leiden
Title: "Lipid exchanges between organelles at membrane contact sites"
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
"To the Tropics at the End of the Day" - Experience and Information
Host: Claudia Grabowski-Hüsing und Thomas Ahr
Location: Botanical Garden - Rainforesthouse
Start: 20:00
Talk: Rudolph Reimer, University of Hamburg
Title: "Exploring the third dimension: Possibilities and limitations of 3D scanning electron microscopy"
Location: CellNanOs, 38/201
Start: 16:15
Lunch break in the garden
Talk: PD Dr. Nikolai Friesen
Location: Botanical Garden, Meeting place at the lime tree
Start: 13:00
Talk: Fernando Díaz, Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas Margarita Salas Madrid, Spain
Title: "Targeting diseases through microtubule structure modulation"
Occasion: Special seminar CRC 1557
Host: Roland Brandt
Location: CellNanOs, 38/201
Start: 16:00
Lecture: Prof. Dr. Thomas Gutsmann, Leibniz-Center for Medicine and Biosciences Borstel
Title: "Microbes and humans: a battle between membranes and pores"
Location: CellNanOs, 3,8/201
Start: 16:15
Lecture: Dr. Bernhard von Hagen, Curator of the Botanical Garden Carl von Ossietzky University, Oldenburg.
Title: "Herbs explain the world - a tour de force through the history of ideas and science"
Location: Bohnenkamphaus, Helikoniensaal
Start: 18:30
The lecture will be held in German.
Talk: Christian Münch, University of Frankfurt
Title: "Protein quality control across the mitochondrial border"
Location: CellNanOs, 38/201
Start: 11:00
Talk: Christian Dahmann, TU Dresden
Title: "How tissues take shape - from morphogens to mechanics"
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Talk: Annemarie Meijer, Leiden
Title: "Interplay between autophagy and cell death in mycobacterial infection"
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Talk: Dr. Robert Hein, Groningen
Title: "Supramolecular electrochemistry: Novel approaches for sensing and redox switching"
Location: Barbarastr. 7, 32/107
Start: 17:00
Talk: Michael T. Heneka, Luxembourg
Title: "Innate immunity in Alzheimer’s disease"
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Talk: Jason King, Sheffield
Title: "The cell biology of phagocytes: learning to eat and drink"
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Lunch break in the garden
Location: Botanical Garden, Meeting place at the lime tree
Start: 13:00
Talk: Peter Bieling, Dortmund
Title: "Systems reconstitution of membrane-proximal GTPase signaling and cytoskeletal dynamics"
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 12:00
Talk: Prof. Dr. Bart Jan Ravoo, Münster
Title: "Photoresponsive soft materials by supramolecular self-assembly"
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 17:00
Talk: Dr. Eric R. Geertsma, MPI Dresden
Title: "Decoding mechanisms of transport and modulation in solute carriers"
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 14:15
Talk: Claudia Kuttler, Stockholm
Title: to be announced
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Talk: Harald Gruber-Vodicka, Bremen
Title: "Physiology and evolution of intracellular symbioses in marine invertebrates"
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Talk: Anja Zeigerer, Munich
Title: Vps37a regulates hepatic glucose production by controlling glucagon receptor localization to endosomes
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Talk: Prof. Dr. Julia von Blume, New Haven, USA
Title: "Mechanism of secretory granule biogenesis"
Location: CellNanOs, 38/201
Start: 14:00
IRTG Retreat
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Talk: Prof. Dr. Aurica Farcas, Iaşi (Romania)
Title: "Supramolecular semi-conducting materials: from synthesis to properties and applications"
Location: Barbarastr. 7, 32/107
Start: 17:00
"Perennials and perennial use in times of climate change"
Talk: Till Hofmann
Location: Bohnenkamphaus, Helikoniensaal
Start: 18:30
The lecture will be held in German.
Talk: Christos Gatsogiannis, Münster
Title: "Structural insights into peroxisomal enzyme import and receptor recycling"
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Talk: David Murray, Dundee
Title: "Cell organization as a program of trafficking"
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
"To the Tropics for the End of the Day" - Experience and Information
Location: Botanical Garden - Rainforest House
Start: 20:00
Exhibition: "New Wilds - Globalisation in the Plant World"
Location: Botanical Garden
Time: from 11.06.2022 during the opening hours of the Botanic Garden
The talk with Carien Niessen is unfortunately cancelled
Talk: Carien Niessen, Köln
Title: "Biomechanical regulation of epithelial barrier morphogenesis, renewal and disease"
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 15:15
Lunch break in the garden - tour with Nikolai Friesen
Location: Botanical Garden, Meeting place at the lime tree
Start: 13:00
Talk: Sarah Piper, Parkville, Australien
Title: Using CryoEM, MD simulations and 3D animations to understand GPCR activation
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
10th Westerberger Herbsttagung
With talk from:
- Tiago Oliveira (Braga)
- Hilal A. Lashuel (Lausanne)
- Stefan Kins (Kaiserslautern)
- Nicolas Vitale (Strasbourg)
- Anne Straube (Coventry)
Ort: CellNanOs 38/201
Talk: Carien Niessen, Cologne
Title: to be announced
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
After a break due to the pandemic, the Biology/Chemistry Department's summer party will take place again for the first time on Wednesday, 28 September 2022.
Talk: Oliver Schmidt, Innsbruck
Title: "Regulation of sphingolipid metabolism by ORMDL family proteins in budding yeast"
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Talk: Fikadu Tafesse, Portland
Title: "The roles of lipids in bacterial and viral infection"
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
07.-21.08.2022 - extended until 18.09.2022
"New perspectives in nature"
Open-air-exhibition from 07.-21.08.2022
Location: Botanical Garden
Start: 07.08.2022, 12:00
Open Sesame! - Energy from Seeds
Guided tour with creative offer
Location: Botanical Garden
Start: 18:30
"The healing methods of Hildegard von Bingen"
Speaker: Franz Fassl, Apotheker aus Augsburg
Location: Bohnenkamphaus, Helikoniensaal
Start: 19:00
The Green School invites you ...
"Summerfeeling in the Botanical Garden" - Garden tour with cocktail
Location: Botanical Garden
Start: 19:00
"Food for Future" - Agrobiodiversity in the Botanical Garden.
Lecture with guided tour
Location: Bohnenkamphaus, Helikoniensaal
Start: 6:30 pm
"Medicinal plants - herbs for health and well-being".
Guided tour with creative offer
Location: Botanical Garden, meeting point at the main entrance at the lime tree.
Start: 6:30 - 8:30 pm
"Fascination rose - a queen does her honours"
Location: Botanical Garden
Start: 16:00
"Wild diversity in Germany"
Guided tour through the Botanical Garden
Location: Botanical Garden
Start: 18:30
Talk: Claudia Steinem
Title: "Pore-spanning membranes: Recent developments and applications"
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Talk: Peter Soba, Bonn
Title: "Of flies and men: Neuronal network development, maintenance and function"
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 14:15
Tour - "Lunch break in the garden"
Location: Botanical Garden
Start: 13:00
Talk: Bram van Dijk, Plön
Title: "Black queen dynamics: an evolutionary race to the bottom?"
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 11:15
Biodiversity in a different way – Invitation to the "Day of the Botanic Garden"
Location: Botanical Garden
Start: 11.00 - 18:00 Uhr
Nacht der Bio-LKs
Location: Campus Westerberg, Barbarastraße 11, Building 35
Start: 19:00
Talk: Thierry Soldati, Geneva
Title: "Role of membrane microdomain in phagocytosis and intracellular infections by mycobacteria"
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Talk: Daniel Huster, Leipzig
Title: "Rhomboid-catalized intramembrane proteolysis requires hydrophobic matching with the surrounding lipid bilayer"
Ort: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
"The special way of life of bromeliads, their culture & care"
Location: Botanical Garden
Time: 15:00
New Wilds - Globalisation in the Plant World
Botanic gardens week and exhibition
Location: Botanical Garden
Time: during the opening hours of the Botanical Garden
Talk: Susanne Wegmann, Berlin
Title: "Tau protein condensation: implications for neuronal function and disease"
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Orchid diversity - A look behind the scenes
Ort: Orchid House in the Botanical Garden
Start: 4 pm
Tropical ferns – A look behind the scenes
Location: Fern House in the Botanical Garden
Start: 2 pm
Pineapple plants – A look behind the scenes
Location: Bromelia house
Start: 2 pm
Talk: Philip Tinnefeld, München
Title: "DNA origami tools for superresolution microscopy and biosensing"
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 17:15
Talk: Luca Scorrano, Padova
Title: Keeping mitochondria in shape: a matter of life and death
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: changed time, now at 12:00
"Allium" - Guided tour through the Botanical Garden
Location: Botanical Garden, Meeting point at the lime tree
Start: 18:30
The lecture will be held in German.
Talk: Abdou Rachid Thiam, Paris
Title: to be announced
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
28. and 29.05.2022
Exhibition: Bonsais
Location: Botanical Garden, Helikoniensaal
Start: 10:00
Banana, sugar cane and co. - insight behind the scenes
Location: Botanical Garden, Crop house
Start: 14:00
Cactus blossoms - insight behind the scenes
Location: Botanical Garden, Cactus house
Start: 14:00
Special Date
Talk: Anant Menon New York
Title: Lipid scramblases – discovery and mechanism
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Talk: Fabien Alpy, Illkirch
Title: "Touché! Formation, role and regulation of inter-organelle contacts"
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 10:30
Talk: Philipp Kukura, Oxford
Title: "Unravelling biomolecular structure, interactions and dynamics with mass photometry"
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Talk: Johannes Herrmann, Kaiserslautern
Title: "Mitochondrial protein biogenesis: A big challenge for eukaryotic cells"
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Sunday Matinee with the Duo son Bois - Concert
Location: Bohnenkamp-Haus, Helikoniensaal
Start: 11:00
Entrance fee: 10 Euro, reduced: 8 Euro
"To the Tropics for the End of the Day" - Experience and Information
Location: Botanical Garden - Rainforest House
Start: 20:00
Talk: Sascha Laubinger, Oldenburg
Title: "To splice or not to splice: The functions of introns for plant stress responses"
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Information event M. Sc. Nanosciences - Materials, Molecules and Cells
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 15:00
Talk: Jens Brüning, Cologne
Title: "Targeting specific ceramide synthases in metabolic disorders"
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Information event M. Sc. Biologie/Biology - From Molecules to Organisms
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 15:00
Talk: Walter Bleeker
Title: "150 Jahre floristische Forschung im Osnabrücker Land"
Location: Bohnenkamp-Haus, Helikoniensaal
Start: 18:30
The lecture will be held in German
Plant exchange market
Location: Connecting corridor of the greenhouses and depot
Start: 11:00
with registration for suppliers
Talk: Thomas Ahr
Title: »Vom Geheimnis der Farne – Verwendung und Vermehrung von nicht winterharten Farnen« – Aktion und gute Tipps aus der gärtnerischen Praxis
Ort: Botanical Garden, Hibernation house
Start: 18:30
The lecture will be held in German
Talk: Werner Kühlbrandt, Frankfurt
Title: to be announced
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Talk: Nicholas Taylor, Copenhagen
Title: to be announced
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 16:15
Lunch break in the garden - tour with Nikolai Friesen
Location: Botanical Garden, Meeting place at the lime tree
Start: 13:00
Talk: Barbara Neuffer, Osnabrück
Title: "Botanisches Haarstudio – ästhetisch oder praktisch oder manchmal beides"
Location: Bohnenkamphaus, Helikoniensaal
Start: 18:30
The lecture will be held in German
Talk: Nikolai Friesen, Osnabrück
Title: "Knoblauch, Küchenzwiebel und Co: Neustes zur Evolution der Gattung Allium"
Location: Helikoniensaal, Bohnenkamphaus
Start: 18:30
The lecture will be held in German
Talk: Sven Thoms, Medical School OWL, Bielefeld
Title: "A big heart for peroxisomes"
Location: CellNanOs 38/201 and online. To receive the access data, please contact the SFB/CRC office.
Start: 16:15
Talk: Julien Béthune, Hamburg
Title: "Next-generation proximity-dependent biotinylation assays for the analysis of dynamic protein complexes"
Location: online
Start: 16:15
Talk: Pierre-Marc Delaux, Toulouse
Location: CellNanOs 38/201
Start: 11:00